I was asked by an internet buddy: Is it true that every web site I access leaves a permanent cookie on my hard drive? If so, what can I do to clear all my internet searches and sites examined.
Here's the short answer:
In Internet Explorer, go to tools->internet options->General tab. Select 'delete cookies', hit ok. Then 'delete files', then OK. Then 'clear history'.
In Firefox,go to tools->options->cookies tab. Click 'history' tab, then click 'clear browsing history now'. Click 'download history' tab, then click 'clear download history'. Click 'cache' tab, then click 'clear cache now' button. Click 'view cookies'. (you will be suprised how many you see) Delete any you are suspicious about or all of them. But if you delete all of them, there are some legit sites which will no longer remember you when you visit again. That's what cookies are supposed to be all about.